Brussels, 15 June 2007 (ITUC OnLine): The International Olympic Committees’ (IOC) response to Monday’s report exposing severe exploitation of Chinese workers making Olympics merchandise is seriously inadequate, according to the authors of the report, PlayFair 2008*. “The IOC has recognised that there is a problem, but they are not giving it the attention it deserves.
Read moreNew Report from ITUC, ITGLWF and Clean Clothes Campaign Details Severe Workers’ Rights Violations in Several Chinese Factories Brussels, 11 June 2007 (ITUC OnLine): On the eve of an International Olympic Committee (IOC) meeting in London, a new report ”No medal for the Olympics on labour rights” released today by the PlayFair 2008 campaign group exposes gross
Read moreSpotlight interview with Stavri Liko, Federal Secretary of the FSASH, the Education and Science Federation of Albania Brussels, 11 June 2007 (ITUC OnLine): In Albania, 450 child workers have returned to school and 950 others were prevented from dropping out thanks to highly-motivated teachers who visit parents in their homes to convince them of the
Read moreThe International Metalworkers’ Federation (IMF) represents the collective interests of 25 million metalworkers in more than 200 unions in 100 countries. The IMF is a federation of national unions – a union of unions – in the metal industry at world level. The IMF head office is in Geneva, Switzerland, where worldwide activities are coordinated with a
Read moreKMWU conducts strikes and protests against the Korea U.S. Free Trade Agreement, which was signed on June 30. SOUTH KOREA, July 02, 2007: Members of the Korean Metalworkers’ Union (KMWU) kicked off a series of rallies against the Korea-US Free Trade Agreement (Kor-US FTA) in central Seoul and regionally on June 29. In Seoul 20,000
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