Columnist Mark Shields to Host International Labor Forum Sept. 21

Cincinnati, OH, September 21, 2004 – Syndicated columnist Mark Shields will host a forum on international labor issues from 10:00 to 11:00 AM on Sept. 21 at the Cincinnati Convention Center. The event is open to the media and is sponsored by the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM), who are holding their quadrennial convention on Sept. 19-24 at the Cincinnati Convention Center.

Participants in the panel discussion will include Reinhard Kuhlmann, General Secretary of the European Metalworkers Federation, Anita Normark, General Secretary of the International Federation of Building and Wood Workers and David Cockroft, General Secretary of the International Transport Workers Federation and Stefan Lofven, Vice President of Svenska Metall.

The event will focus on international trade and the implications of China’s growing manufacturing capability. Panelists will also discuss opportunities for workers, unions and industries throughout North American and Western Europe.

If you have any questions, please call or email Frank Larkin: 202-285-3831