
Given the traumas of the last four years, this election is too important for us to be swayed by polls or ads or sound bites.

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Who Cares . . . About Us?

By R. Thomas Buffenbarger
International President

It is a simple question. And yet, its answer guides the fingers that pull the levers or touch the voting screens on November 2nd. Instinctively we are drawn to the candidate with the best poll numbers, the most effective attack ads and the snappiest sound bites. We like to be with the winner. It’s human nature. But so is self-preservation.

Given the traumas of the last four years, this election is too important for us to be swayed by polls or ads or sound bites. Think back over the last forty-eight months.

Think hard about who cares, who really cares, about you and your family. The child on the cover of this IAM Journal is not the son of an IAM member. But his eyes convey equal measures of hope and uncertainty. Like every American child, he must rely on the adults in his life to make the right call.

Deep down you know who cares about us. And who does not. 

So go vote. Go vote with a passion that comes from defending your job, your family’s future and your nation’s ideals and traditions.

Go vote with intensity. You are, after all, an American patriot. And your whole world is watching.