April 2, 2002
Blue Ribbon
Commission Schedule Posted “These meetings are designed to put IAM members in the driver’s seat,” said IP Tom Buffenbarger. “At similar meetings in 1995 and 1998, thousands of members showed up and made dozens of recommendations that resulted in better programs, better communication and better representation for every member of this union. “The IAM is a better, stronger union today because members had the opportunity to speak out,” said Buffenbarger. “These meetings are our way of making sure this organization continues to be inspired by the men and women who are willing to stand up, speak out and make a difference."
Walkout Restarts Bombardier
Negotiations Production at the Montreal-area assembly plants came to a halt as nearly four thousand Local 712 members marched in a massive display of solidarity. Union leaders told Bombardier officials they would return to negotiations only if the company had new offers to place on the table. Key issues included contract duration, pension improvements and tougher measures against contracting out. “We are serious about this bargaining agenda and we’re prepared to strike to win our point, said Administrative Assistant Vince Blais, who is heading the IAM bargaining team. In a dramatic conclusion to the walkout, IAM leaders announced negotiations with the company would resume on April 2. “I think they’re going to take us seriously, now,” said Michel Lauzon, president of IAM Local 712. Lauzon warned, however, that another walkout could come at any time.
Survey Probes Member Concerns Again, these are preliminary tallies. To voice your opinion, visit the IAM website at www.goiam.org, click on the survey headline America’s Most Pressing Issues and make your voices heard. Social
Security, Medicare Funds in Fine Fettle Social Security trustees issued their annual report showing that the system’s trust fund is solvent until the year 2041, three years longer than estimated last year. “This is a far cry from the hocus-pocus, voodoo economics the White House is trying to palm off with its massive handout to Wall Street,” said IP Tom Buffenbarger. “Remember, it’s that same Wall Street-driven greed that bankrupted Enron and bled its retirees’ security plans.” Bush and his congressional allies have tried to manufacture a “crisis” around Social Security and Medicare and frighten the public into believing the programs should be privatized. Earlier, Bush’s hand-picked Social Security privatization commission recommended three proposals that would turn the program’s lifetime guaranteed benefits into a Wall Street gamble, requiring benefit cuts, increases in the retirement age, or both—actions that do little to ensure the long-term health of the system. At the same time, the report found that Medicare is solvent until 2016, one year longer than the trustees estimated last year. NRA
Snipers Target Campaign Finance Bill The measure bans unlimited so-called “soft money” donations to national political parties, typically huge contributions by corporations, wealthy individuals and a scattering of trade unions. The IAM is largely untouched by the legislation. The bulk of the contributions made by the Machinists Non-Partisan Political League are “hard dollar” contributions. “Not a dime of dues money goes into political campaigns. Only our members’ voluntary contributions to MNPL are used to oppose or support candidates,” explained IP Tom Buffenbarger. |