www.goiam.org Friday , November 22, 2002
Action Alert: Jobless
Workers You can help change this heartless indifference to working families. Contact your congressional representative and urge them to pass the bipartisan Senate proposal to extend these crucial benefits until these displaced workers can find jobs. (Click here to send an email message to your members of Congress or follow the action alert link at www.goiam.org). Every worker with a sense of what’s right should be outraged at the House leadership’s callous choice to head home for the holidays while destroying the holiday season for desperate workers. President George W. Bush, House Speaker Dennis Hastert, Majority Leader Dick Armey and Majority Whip Tom DeLay put tax relief for Big Business and the wealthy on the fast track to House passage. Why can’t they show the same compassion for jobless Americans and for their families? Tell them to work a little longer before starting their holiday vacation. Urge them to show a measure of decency and compassion for these workers. Tell them to pass the Senate-passed bill and extend the lifeline of emergency jobless benefits to these citizens in their time of need. Please
do it now. Make your voices heard. We can make a difference. After sending a
message to your member of Congress, follow up with a phone call his or her
office and to House Speaker Dennis Hastert. The Capitol Office switchboard
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