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Health Problems Stalk Ground Zero Workers

Dr. Steven Levin, an occupation health specialist from the Mt. Sinai Medical Center in New York City used graphic photos of workers at the World Trade Center to highlight what he called the “dismal failure” of state officials to address health consequences for Ground Zero rescue and recovery workers.

“We screened 12,000 workers since July 2000,” said Dr. Levin. “Sixty percent of them had developed serious respiratory symptoms. Forty percent still had those symptoms eight months after they left.”

Dr. Levin credited a highly unionized work force at the World Trade Center site for the absence of any deaths among rescue and recovery workers in the months following the collapse.

Convention Action:Convention delegates adopted resolutions that oppose all provisions of the Patriot Act that infringe upon our Constitutionally guaranteed civil liberties and affirm that the IAM continue to demand trade policies that create and maintain high-paying manufacturing jobs in the U.S. and Canada.

Delegates approved an amendment that provides local lodge meetings include a report of organizing and recruiting activities.

The delegates knocked down amendments that would have allowed retired, former members whose membership has lapsed to be reinstated with a $10.00 reinstatement fee and that would’ve barred any Machinist who crosses a picket line from holding any fulltime paid position in the IAM.

Delegates rejected an amendment that proposed GLR’s be elected by the members, rather than appointed by the International President.

The delegates voted to reject an amendment that would have added “verified document” to the list of reasons for which members may be excused from attending a local lodge meeting and still qualify to run as an officer or delegate.

Finally, delegates approved a blanket set of amendments designed to streamline IAM procedures, remove duplicative and confusing provisions from the Constitution and ensure that in circumstances when suspensions become necessary, the Union may act in the best interests of the membership.


Submitted to the
IAM 36th Grand
Lodge Convention

Convention agenda beginning Sunday 9/19/2004

The 36th Grand Lodge Convention Photo Gallery.

36th GLC Videos
Capital Strategies Forum

Convention Highlights

International Labor Leaders Forum

Charismatic Candidate Captures Convention

AFT Leader Urges Support of Kerry/Edwards

IAM Showcases North America's Might

IP Buffenbarger Opens 36th Grand Lodge Convention