O F F I C E R S '



36th IAMAW
Grand Lodge

Collective Bargaining — 2

Effort―an approach by members critical to our success because of their collective strength. We must work harder and smarter with more individual intensity in the combined effort. We will intensify our coordination, which will be discussed later, and coordinate also on organizing as the more effective we are in bargaining, the more receptive workers are to join our union. The exchange of commitments in these efforts and the keeping of those commitments should be vital.

Movement―an approach based on activism by our members individually and collectively, taking the initiative and utilizing empowerment, mobilization, and militancy. We can awaken and harness the energy of our members through communication with all the resources the IAM has created and developed. Working with our Organizing Department will help to instill a culture of bargaining to organize.

Structure―approaching our Local Lodges, Districts and Territories to more effectively use those tools that already exist to identify industries and companies based on core density that we could then target and strategically plan to organize. Organizing the competition will strengthen the security for our existing contracts. Sharing the information on our successes and failures is absolutely critical to the structure established.

Political balance of power―an approach that can be closely developed along with our Legislative Department to strategize on the most effective means to legalize the right to organize and move the political equation to change the statutes and administrative practices that adversely impact the collective bargaining process.

Neutralization―approaching our communities for public support based on community action, public education, and publicity to improve labor’s image. This will help alleviate the negative publicity used by corporations to turn public opinion against us. Learning to be proactive with the corporations we bargain with and working in conjunction with the HPWO Department to explore such ideas as partnerships will allow us to be on the front edge of change and ahead of the curve.
