O F F I C E R S'




36th IAMAW
Grand Lodge

From left, Director Richard Michalski; Legislative Representative Hasan Solomon and Assistant Legislative Director Tom Trotter.


The outcome of the 2000 Presidential election robbed this country of a legitimate presidency and violated the democratic process. The dimple ballots, abused voter files, voter suppression, and court rulings from Florida to the Supreme Court all conspired to trample on the will of the electorate. Despite losing the electorate by 500,000 votes and losing with later analysis of the votes in Florida, in the end George Bush was appointed to, and sworn in as the President of the United States.

This also gave the Republicans effective control of both the House of Representatives and Senate.With the Senate split at 50-50 Vice President Dick Cheney cast the tie-breaking vote to give Senate leadership to Trent Lott. However, the control of the Senate was lost when Senator Jim Jeffords became fed up with the antics of the Administration and switched parties giving control back to the Democrats until the 2002 election.

Heavy handedness by Republicans and extreme partisanship became routine in ramroding controversial issues through the legislative process. This approach continues today in the nation’s Capitol as the views and ideas from almost half of the electorate are shut out without any debate or recourse.

Workers, particularly union members, have been attacked on numerous fronts. The report that follows details many of these assaults from overtime pay to the right to organize, from pensions and health care to safety on the job and everything in between. In all it adds up to a disturbing march towards liquidating the middle class, and eroding the foundation that makes this country great for all, not just the fortunate few.

This election cycle we can and must seize the opportunity to make the necessary changes needed and put this country back on the right track. That opportunity waits for us at the ballot box. Four more years of George Bush and a hostile Congress is simply not in the best interests of workers or this country.
