
Whether it's working behind the scenes getting an anti-labor provision removed from a bill or mobilizing a nationwide grassroots effort, the Legislative Department is one of the few voices in government fighting for working men and women.

The department promotes pro-worker legislation such as workers' rights, job security, and workplace safety. The department also works for fair trade laws and promotes our members' products to help them compete successfully.

With the takeover of Congress by strong anti-labor interests, many of the laws that protect workers are in danger of repeal. The Legislative Department has stopped many of the worst attacks on our members from becoming law.

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  Legislative Director
Richard Michalski
Assistant Legislative Director
Tom Trotter

Assistant Director of Political Action
Rick de la Fuente

Legislative & Political Representative
Hasan Solomon
  Confidential Secretary
Pattie Lewis

Office Assistant

Peggy Payne
Elizabeth Farlow
Janet Salik
Clerk Typists
Jackie True
Janice Schofield
Kim Shepherd