It is the goal of the IAM&AW and the IAM Safety and Health Department to provide members, representatives and all workers with accurate up-to-date information. We believe all workers are entitled to a safe and healthy workplace. Without access to the latest information, workers and their families could be at risk to injury and chemical exposure. Making this information available on our web page is just one way the IAMAW is working toward this goal. More information may be available through your District or Local Lodge representative.
Please note that addresses on the internet change frequently. Try the indexes, if they change or are no longer active, please notify the IAMAW Safety and Health Department at (301) 967-4704 or e-mail to
The following are web sites relating to Occupational Safety and Health. The IAM&AW Safety and Health Department has found these to be helpful in research. These may also assist you in obtaining and providing valuable information to members in workplace safety.
Chemical Information and HAZMAT links
Chemical Information
Spanish Language Resources
For more resources, see Safety and Health Research Links
Last Updated: June 23, 2016
Agency for Toxic Substance and Disease Registry
Environmental Protection Agency Safe Drinking Water
Canadian Centre for Occupational Safety and Health
Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board
Metal and Nonmetal Mine Safety and Health Resource Page
New Jersey Hazardous Substance Fact Sheets
NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
OSHA Personal Protective Equipment
Environmental Defense Fund’s Chemical “Scorecard”
American National Standards (ANSI)
American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineer (ASHRAE)
Consumer Product Safety Commission
National Fire Protection Association
National Technical Information Sys.
National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health