Latest Videos

  • IAM Members Attend Powerful Leadership I Program at Winpisinger Center

    Approximately 67 IAM members from across the United States and Canada recently participated in the Leadership I training at the IAM’s William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center in Hollywood, Md. IAM members learned the skills and duties necessary to be good Local Lodge officers and/or active members.

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  • Firefighters and Paramedics begin Negotiations Preparations

    IAM members of Local W33 recently traveled to the William Winpisinger Education Center (W3) in Hollywood, Maryland. The three-member team who participated were IAM Local W33 President Dan Sweney, District 5, Business Representative Jeff Hoopan, and IAM Local 33 Steward Steffan Tveit, who began the one-week negotiation preparation for firefighters and paramedics on a new

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  • IAM International President Brian Bryant Shows Support for Striking Members at Boeing

    As the nation’s largest strike continues at Boeing, IAM International President Brian Bryant recently visited members from IAM Districts 751 and W24 on the picket lines in Washington and Portland. IAM District 751 and District W24 represent Boeing workers in Washington, Oregon, and California. Bryant’s visit symbolizes the widespread support from IAM members across North

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  • Taking a Stand Against Suicide

    Thousands of people commit suicide annually in the U.S. The IAM’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is helping to spread the word and offering solutions. For more information about the EAP, visit If you are in need of consultation, please call the EAP hotline at (301) 335-0735. If you want to learn more about being

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