The cut-off date for discounted room rates for the 31st annual William W. Winpisinger Charity Banquet to Benefit Guide Dogs of America (GDA) is October 24, 2011. To reserve your room, call the Paris Hotel at 888-266-5687. Register with the group code SPDOG1 to get the special GDA rate.
The banquet will be held Saturday, November 19, 2011 at the Paris Hotel in Las Vegas, NV. The deadline to submit dinner reservations is October 21.
In addition to the banquet, this year’s fundraising activities include a “Hawgs for Dogs” motorcycle ride on Thursday, November 17, followed by the benefit golf tournament on Friday, November 18. The tournament is quickly filling up. The deadline for tournament sponsorships is October 19. Also, please note that ads for the tribute book must be in by October 31.
The yearly event is the premier fundraiser for GDA, a charitable organization whose mission is to provide guide dogs to visually-impaired individuals free of charge. GDA was founded by an IAM member in 1948.
Visit the GDA website for more information.