Every three to five years the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is funded through legislation in the House and Senate. This is one of the few opportunities for Congress to provide direction and oversight to this agency which is so critical to airline workers.
The previous FAA reauthorization expired in September of 2007. Since that time, the agency has continued to be funded through a series of 15 “short term” extensions. The current extension expires September 30, 2010.
Among the bill’s highlights is a requirement for the FAA and OSHA to resume their work on developing workplace safety and health protections for Flight Attendants. The bill also requires the FAA to take steps to combat contaminated aircraft air, instructs the FAA to act on the recommendations from the recent flight attendant fatigue study, closes a loophole that permits smoking on charter flights and directs the FAA to develop a drug and alcohol awareness and rehabilitation program for Flight Attendants.
Congress needs to act now. If Congress passes another extension then there will not be enough time in the congressional calendar to pass this bill. When the 111th Congress adjourns in December, any unfinished legislation will be discarded. Do not let the FAA Reauthorization become one of these unfinished bills.
To help secure passage of the FAA Reauthorization, use this link to send an e-mail message to your U.S. Senators urging them to “Pass the FAA Bill.”