As IAM members know all too well, our jobs can be dangerous.
Whether you’re building the world’s most technologically advanced aircraft, ensuring airline passengers’ bags get to their destinations, battling wildfires, or any of the thousands of jobs Machinists Union members do, safety is a top concern. It’s ultimately up to us, IAM Brothers and Sisters, to make sure we go home safe every day.
Become a workplace hero – sign up now to attend the 2016 IAM Safety and Health Conference.
We’ll gather August 14-19, 2016 at the William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center in Hollywood, MD. Return all forms by Monday, June 6 to reserve your spot.
The conference will tackle safety and health issues affecting IAM members today – Zika and Ebola virus prevention, distracted driving, opioid addiction, conflict resolution and more. We’ll share best practices on how to set up and run a safety and health committee at your own local and offer certifications for CPR training. Click here for more topics we’ll cover.
Don’t delay! Click here for the forms you’ll need to sign up for the 2016 IAM Safety and Health Conference.