Ur Union of the Unemployed’s (UCubed) new hard-hitting internet ad, Bite Back, is already making headlines as thousands click to view the ad and share it with their family and friends.
“The Bite Back campaign highlights the plight of America’s jobless and seeks to refocus their rage,” wrote Leo Hindery, Jr., Chairman of the U.S. Economy/Smart Globalization Initiative at the New America Foundation, in an op-ed for the Huffington Post. “Bite Back has the simply stated objective of persuading the jobless to vote on November 2 against any candidate who won’t step up for the unemployed.”
“We’ve had enough of politicians describing millions of unemployed Americans as lazy, drug-addled hobos who should be drug tested before receiving extended unemployment benefits,” says Rick Sloan, UCubed Acting Executive Director. “The ad is designed to vividly remind jobless voters exactly who was behind decisions to deny them desperately needed benefits.”
If you haven’t had a chance to view the ad, click here.