With fall festivities in full swing, Machinists in California were determined to take part by participating in events for a good cause.
On October 5, 2013, at Hagen Park in Rancho Cordova, CA, the 14th Annual Sacramento Classic Auto Show raised in excess of $23,000 for Guide Dogs of America (GDA). With 180 entries, good food, great music, and beautiful weather, the show attracted a record turnout.
“Our 14th annual show turned out to be a huge success,” said Lee Pearson, retired IAM Western Territory General Vice President and coordinator for the show. “Thanks in no small part to the work of our volunteers, supporters and the good folks of the Sacramento classic car community!”
Click here for photos of this year’s Sacramento Classic Auto Show.
On September 23, 2013, at the California Country Club in Wittier, CA, the First Annual Gary R. Allen Invitational Golf Tournament raised over $22,000 for GDA and set the fundraising standard in the greater Los Angeles area for GDA.
“Guide Dogs of America is very close to my heart,” said Richard Sanchez, IAM District Lodge 947 President/Directing Business Representative and coordinator of the tournament. “When we found out there wasn’t a fundraiser in Southern California for GDA, we organized this event in a way that would both recognize our General Vice President while raising money for such a worthy cause. I am happy to announce that this will now be an annual event and we will have greater participation next year.”
For pictures of this year’s golf tournament click here.
“I could not be more proud of our members who did their part in making these events successful,” said Allen. “A special thanks to all the donors, sponsors and volunteers who contributed their time and money. You should all be proud to know that one more person now has the opportunity of having a guide dog.”
The cost to train and provide a guide dog to a blind or visually-impaired person is approximately $40,000. The combined proceeds of these two fundraisers raised in excess of $45,000.
Every year the proceeds from events such as these are presented to Guide Dogs of America at the Annual William W. Winpisinger Banquet, which will be held this year on Saturday, November 23, 2013, at Bally’s Las Vegas. Guide Dogs of America is a non-profit organization that provides guide dogs and instruction in their use, free of charge, to blind and visually-impaired men and women from the United States and Canada.
For more information on Guide Dogs of America click here.