CLUW Members: Share Your Experiences for Equal Pay Day

What does equal pay mean to you? Have you had an experience with gender discrimination? The Coalition of Labor Union Women (CLUW) is taking photo and quote (one paragraph please) submissions to publish online for Equal Pay Day, held Tuesday, April 9 – a date symbolizing how far into 2013 women must work to earn what men earned in 2012. The photo can be an individual or group shot and the quote can be from an individual or group. Please identify people in the photo by name and include your union and CLUW chapter. Email to by Friday, April 5 at 5 p.m. to be included. YouTube videos are also accepted.

CLUW is accepting blog posts for the National Women’s Law Center’s (NWLC) Equal Pay Day blog carnival, also taking place on April 9. This year, NWLC is asking bloggers to answer the prompt, “What would you do with your $11,000 in lost wages?”  NWLC appreciates original content but says they will re-post previously written content as long as it includes why the post is relevant to this year’s topic. Blog posts will be published on CLUW’s Tumblr page and on NWLC’s blog carnival page, which will mirror last year’s page. Email your submission to by Friday, April 5 at 5 p.m. and be sure to include your name, email address, union, CLUW chapter and a photo if you would like one included.

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