Congress Reconvenes

Congress Reconvenes

The Second Session of the 108th Congress reconvened on Jan. 20th, the first order of business was passage of the Omnibus Appropriations Bill left over from the First Session of Congress. After a filibuster by the Senate Democrats on the overtime issue, the Omnibus Bill was passed on Jan. 22nd and signed into law by President Bush.

Working men and women incurred tremendous setbacks in 2003. With the take over of the 108th Congress in both the House and the Senate by the Republicans, the Bush Administration was able to push its pro-business agenda while marginalizing the concerns of labor unions and working families.

While we were able to secure adequate funding for Amtrak for this year, we must now start all over again for next year. Once again the Republicans will continue their pattern of putting the desires of their big business and corporate constituents above the economic welfare of our country.

Senator McCain will once again try to dismantle Amtrak and take away labor protections from the employees. We will continue to fight this and will be calling on all our members for their support.

Remember this is a very important election year—be sure that you and your family are registered to vote.

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