Delegate Resolution


Whereas; on the 13th of June 2005 General Vice President of Transportation Robert Roach, Jr. challenged a core group of activists to consider an International Day of Action and

Whereas; corporate America continues to attack working families and

Whereas; our children are in danger of losing the American dream and

Whereas; criminal acts on working families have become common business practice and

Whereas; corporations daily violate good faith agreements with their workers and

Whereas; the IAM will never surrender the fight for working families therefore

Be It Resolved; that working families in North America demand the opportunity to be heard by their elected officials and to hold them accountable and

Be It Further Resolved; that the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers organize and coordinate a rally in Washington, D.C. to articulate those issues that are of paramount importance to working families and

Be It Finally Resolved; that the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers should make available all resources necessary to accomplish this endeavor.

Brother Chair, I so move to accept this Resolution.


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