Washington, DC – A new short film, “Safe and Easy: Vote By Mail in Florida,” featuring four Florida Alliance for Retired Americans members, premiered today online. The documentary was produced by Brave New Films and will be available to watch for free on Brave New Film’s YouTube page through November 3. The film is an outgrowth of the Alliance’s voting rights litigation in Florida.
The documentary can be viewed on the Brave New Films YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/bravenewfilms.
The film was launched during a virtual premiere that included messages from actor and director Rob Reiner; leading Democratic election lawyer Marc Elias; Alliance Executive Director Richard Fiesta; Florida Alliance President Bill Sauers; Alliance member Barbara DeVane; President of the Tallahassee NAACP Adner Marcelin; and Executive Director of the Alianza for Progress Marcos Vilar.
“Florida seniors should be able to cast a ballot that will actually be counted — while also protecting their health — during the pandemic,” said Executive Director Fiesta. “This film will help every Floridian understand how to request and return a mail ballot, if that is how they choose to vote.”
Four of the five retirees featured in the film are Alliance members, including Lorenzo Canizares, Communications Workers of America (CWA); Stewart Cohen, American Federation of Teachers (AFT); Barbara DeVane, AFT; and Lorraine Tuliano, American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE).
Contact: Lisa Cutler, lcutler@retiredamericans.org
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