President Trump and House Republicans at War with Older Americans

Below is a statement from Richard Fiesta, Executive Director of the Alliance for Retired Americans, on the Congressional Budget Office score of the American Health Care Act.

“The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office’s analysis of the Trump-Price-Ryan plan to repeal the Affordable Care Act confirms our worst suspicions about this bill.

“This bill will make Americans sicker and poorer. President Trump promised to replace the ACA with a plan that expanded health care coverage at a lower cost. This plan does neither but rather provides the wealthiest Americans and insurance corporations with enormous tax cuts.

“If this plan is enacted, 24 million Americans will lose health insurance coverage over the next decade. We will return to the time when families feared that a serious medical emergency could bankrupt them. Older Americans would be the hardest hit, with insurance premiums skyrocketing.

“Adding insult to injury, this plan significantly weakens Medicare, reducing the solvency of the trust fund by 3 years — breaking President Trump’s promise to protect Medicare. In contrast, the ACA extended the Trust Fund’s solvency by 11 years.

“Older Americans know how important affordable health care is for their families and will continue to fight against this proposal. The members of the Alliance call on Congress to scrap this bill immediately.”

The post President Trump and House Republicans at War with Older Americans appeared first on Retired Americans.

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