Trump’s Promise Not to Cut Social Security Broken

Budget Proposal Includes Deep Cuts to Health Care, Disability Insurance, Food Assistance and Massive Tax Breaks for Billionaires and Corporations

The following statement was issued by Richard Fiesta, Executive Director of the Alliance for Retired Americans, regarding President Trump’s fiscal 2018 budget proposal.

“President Trump has betrayed America’s seniors. His White House staff claims that the President’s budget does not cut ‘core’ Social Security benefits, which is a distinction without a difference. Cuts to Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) are Social Security cuts plain and simple. They will weaken the earned benefits that millions have paid for during decades of work.

“Trump’s budget plan takes health care away from millions of Americans. At a time when 10,000 Americans are turning 65 every day, slashing Medicaid funds for elderly health care is wrong-headed and cruel.

“The budget cuts $1.4 trillion from Medicaid, by following through on the Trumpcare health bill passed by House Republicans and making additional cuts over 10 years. The Congressional Budget Office estimated that the Trumpcare bill could end Medicaid benefits for about 10 million people – including millions of seniors, the disabled, veterans and children. The 2018 budget will affect even more.

“This budget also decimates the Community Development Block Grant, which provides funding to states and communities to fund home-delivered meals for home-bound seniors, through organizations such as Meals on Wheels.

“Trump’s proposal would cut the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) by more than 25 percent, taking benefits away from the 45 million citizens, especially seniors, who need basic nutrition.

“All of this is in addition to slashing the earned pension benefits of current and future federal workers.

“Cutting pensions and other critical programs to fund tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans and highly profitable corporations, which pay little to no tax already, is an affront to working families.

“President Trump’s fiscal 2018 budget is a terrible mix of warped values and blatant dishonesty. The Alliance for Retired Americans will mobilize our 4.4 million members to see that it never advances.”


The post Trump’s Promise Not to Cut Social Security Broken appeared first on Retired Americans.

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