Safety Training for Non-native Construction Workers in Small Companies Inadequate According to NIOSH/ASSE Research

Safety Training for Non-native Construction Workers in Small Companies Inadequate According to NIOSH/ASSE Research

According to research by NIOSH and the American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE), non-native workers in small construction companies are less likely to receive even the minimum safety and health training required by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).

The construction industry has one of the highest rates of work-related deaths in the country. Statistics compiled up to year 2015 by the he Bureau of Labor Statistics show that almost one fifth of work-related deaths occurred among construction workers. Key to reducing such staggering numbers is training. While a critical part of workplace safety and health in all industries, particularly construction.

Small construction companies are defined by NIOSH as having fewer than 50 employees. Previous research by NIOSH and ASSE found that workers in small companies, as well as young workers (age 25 and under) and non-native workers, face an increased risk for illness and injury in construction compared to other workers.

NIOSH investigators analyzed the results of an ASSE survey asking construction companies of different sizes and worker populations about their training practices. Data collected from 268 smaller construction businesses clearly shows that non-native workers in small companies received fewer hours of training, both when joining the company and on a monthly basis in companies with 50 or more employees.

The ASSE and NIOSH research is important as it looked at the work-related safety and health training practices of small and large construction businesses. The research coupled with a survey comprised of 34 questions and used by ASSE in a field of 258, concludes a clear disconnect between small construction businesses verses larger one with 50 or more employee’s.  

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