Today marks the day into the next year where a woman on average meets the earnings of what an average man earned in 2020. That is a whopping 15 months. In other words, women work for free for 3 months compared to their male co-workers. If you look at a typical 9:00-5:00 work day, women start working for free at 2:40 p.m. Women also earn an average of $0.84 less per hour than their male counterparts in most professions.
Unions, like the IAM, help to narrow and hopefully one day will eliminate the gender wage gap. It has been shown that unions help women receive higher and more fair wages and better benefits, including paid family and medical leave. Constituency groups like the Coalition of Labor Union Women (CLUW) also work tirelessly to help this socioeconomic injustice change. CLUW’s primary purpose is to unify union women to work to solve problems and develop action programs to empower women for greater participation at all levels in the labor movement; to organize the unorganized; to promote affirmative action, social and economic justice in the workplace; and to increase the participation of women in the political and legislative processes. For more information or to join CLUW Click Here.