At Local Lodge 2515’s first Young Workers Committee Meeting, Brother Michael Rodriguez stated they talked about the reason for the young workers committee and how International President Bob Martinez wants to start getting young brothers and sisters involved and engaged. They discussed using their committee to try and improve three areas within our Union;
-Solidarity Building Activities
-Community Service
-Educating our members
They discussed what their first event should be and are planning to host a Pool Hall Night and invite all members so that we can have a meet and greet, a non union activity but with our Union brothers and sisters (The event is scheduled for Sept 18th-See Flyer Below).
Additionally the committee decided to create a Facebook page. The page will be used to promote their committee and events for all to see.
The committee decided their first community event would be raising items for local animal shelters. They intend to give what they raise to a local radio station’s public service campaign “Santa Paws”. The radio station gives the money and items they raise to a local animal shelter for their needs around Christmas time (see flyer below).
Pictured are: Alejandro Pena, Ray De La Cruz, Jr, Keith Kalson, Michael Rodriguez, and Gonzalo Hernandez. Thanks Local Lodge 2515 Young Workers Committee for doing great work!