Cornet Fire update – August 13, 2015

Fire Information
Phone: 541-786-0501

Incident Management
Oregon Interagency Incident Management Team 4, Type 2 IMT
Incident Commander: Brian Goff

Transitioning to Type 1 Team which will manage Cornet and Windy Ridge Fires. Team arriving 2 p.m. today.

Incident Command Post location: Burnt River School, Unity, Oregom

Acres: 12,600
Percent contained: 10 percent

Today’s update and objectives:
  The south and west flanks were held yesterday due to firefighting efforts. Firefighters will continue to build line today to the northeast as resources are available.
  The fire spotted into Stices Gulch overnight. Two threatened structures were protected. The priority today is to stop progression of the fire into Stices Gulch. Baker County is protecting structures and more structure firefighting resources are arriving today due to Conflagration Act being invoked.

Overall objectives
  Provide for safety of firefighters and public.
  Stop fire progression into areas with residences, minimize acres burned on private land and in sage grouse habitat, and protect communication infrastructure, mines and cattle.
  Keep communities and interested parties informed of fire conditions and fire management actions.
  Coordinate with emergency management agencies.

There are 267 resources on the fire.

Breezy conditions again today with south to SW winds at 9 to 15 mph and gusts upward of 20 mph. Local
terrain can affect speed and direction of winds in the fire area. Temperatures will be 95 to 100.
Minimum RH in the teens.

Fire Behavior
Fire is mainly in grass and shrubs in the alleys changing to juniper and pine further upslope. There is a
mix of conifer at higher elevations and ridges. Slopes are steep and with the wind, contribute to rapids
spread rates and spotting. Fire behavior is likely to increase significantly around 2 pm and continue until
the sun lowers around 8 pm.

Baker County Sheriff’ Office has issued a Level 3 Evacuation Order for Stices Gulch and a level 2
Evacuation Order for Rancheria Creek, Black Mountain and Denny Creek.
Area closure on the Wallow Whitman Forest.

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