News Release from Oregon Dept. of Forestry – Posted on FlashAlert: August 23rd, 2015 11:07 AM
Oregon Dept. of Forestry
Incident Management Team 3
Link Smith, incident commander
Fire Information: (541) 446-3521
Current Fire Information
Crews continued to mop up the Eldorado Fire yesterday and last night, focusing on those areas that still contained some heat within 300 feet of the line. That work continues today including gridding and cold trailing, or carefully inspecting and feeling with the hand for heat to detect any fire.
Rehabilitation work will also take place, with the objective of minimizing erosion resulting from hand and dozer line construction by blocking access, removing berms, water barring, repairing ditches, and pulling removed vegetation back into control lines near streams and dry creek beds. Hose will be removed from sections of the line where there is no longer any potential for the fire to escape.
The weather forecast calls for warmer temperatures in the 80’s, relative humidities of 15-20 percent and gusty winds from the south of up to 15 miles per hour on the ridges. Those conditions, along with unstable air, have warranted a Red Flag warning from noon today until late Monday evening.
Interagency investigators concluded the El Dorado fire was caused by lightning hold over.
The fire remains at 20,611 acres and is 65 percent contained.
As of 8 p.m. on Aug. 22 there were 358 personnel assigned to the Eldorado Fire. Resources on the fire line include 10 crews, 12 dozers, 23 engines, 7 water-tenders and 2 helicopters.
The Oregon Department of Forestry Incident Management Team 3 (IMT) will also assume command of the Cornet-Windy Ridge fire from the Southwest IMT on Monday morning, Aug. 24, 2015 at 6 a.m. The Cornet-Windy Ridge fire is also in the mop-up and rehabilitation stage with very little fire activity.