News Release from Oregon Dept. of Forestry – Posted on FlashAlert: August 20th, 2015 5:01 PM
State and County officials in Clatsop County are stepping up restrictions on recreational activities in the County due to record low fuel moistures and the high wildfire danger. Effective at 1:00 am August 20, all open flames will be prohibited on all lands in Clatsop County. This ban applies to all public and private property, the entire Clatsop State Forest, Clatsop County Parks, and all properties owned and managed by the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department including ocean shores. Camp fire permits and burn barrel permits that have been issued by the Oregon Department of Forestry and Rural Fire Departments are rescinded until further notice.
Open fires are already banned outside of designated sites and campgrounds, including campfires, charcoal fire, cooking fires and warming fires. Use of wood-burning devices, used in conjunction with temporary dwellings, including tents and trailers, is prohibited.
Portable cooking stoves using liquefied or bottled fuels are allowed.
This ban is in effect until further notice. There will be another notice sent out when the ban is lifted. We appreciate you help and cooperation during this time of critical fire danger.
For more information call the Astoria Office of the Oregon Department of Forestry, the Oregon Department of Parks and Recreation, Clatsop County Sherriff’s Office or the Clatsop County Fire Defense Board.
Contact Info:
Oregon Department of Forestry, Astoria District Clatsop County Sheriff’s Office
Dan Goody/Neal Bond Sheriff Tom Bergin
(503) 325-5451 (503) 338-0803 cell (503) 325-8635 (503) 791-0072
Oregon Department of Parks and Recreation Clatsop County Fire Defense Board
Mike Stein/Teri Wing Jeff Golightly, Fire Chief, LCFD
(503) 861-3170 (503) 325-4192 (503) 298-9348 cell