Tuesday, Aug. 16, 2016
Fires on ODF-Protected Lands
Corey Road Fire
The 12-acre Corey Road Fire just north of Forest Grove was contained yesterday. As the summer heats up this becomes more difficult to do because the grass, sticks, trees and other fuels dry out so quickly.
As temperatures reach triple-digits this week, please help prevent wildfires. Preventing wildfires helps protect forests and firefighters. You can do this by following the fire prevention laws and industrial fire precaution level restrictions. This map shows fire restrictions.
Redwood Highway Fire Final Update
The Redwood Highway Fire burned 54 acres. Crews contained the fire yesterday and continue cooling hot spots to strengthen the containment lines.
Fires on Other Jurisdictions
More info on the following fires:http://gacc.nifc.gov/nwcc/information/fire_info.aspx
Porcupine Butte
The 280-acre Porcupine Butte Fire burning 10 miles East of Clarno and is 30 percent contained.
Rail Fire
The 16,349-acre Rail Fire burning 5 miles west of Unity is 15 percent contained.
Juntura Complex Final Update
The 24,301-acre Juntura Complex burning 30 miles SW of Vale is contained.
Fire Statistics
Fire statistics are for the current year and the average over the past 10 years for the 16 million acres of private and public forestland protected by the Oregon Department of Forestry.
January 1, 2016, through Monday, Aug. 16, 2016:
Lightning-caused fires: 59 fires burned 2,218 acres
Human-caused fires: 466 fires burned 541 acres
Total: 525 fires burned 2,759 acres
10-year average (for this period of the year):
Lightning-caused fires: 231 fires burned 28,050 acres
Human-caused fires: 434 fires burned 4,233 acres
Total: 665 fires burned 32,283 acres
For information on breaking fires, go to: