Tuesday, June 14, 2016
No new fires 10 acres or larger were reported in the past 24 hours on Oregon Dept. of Forestry-protected lands. Cooler weather with rain in some parts of the state have moderated wildfire conditions. But fire danger will rise with the return of warm, dry weather. Please be fire safety-conscious in the forest.
Fire Statistics (For the 16 million acres of private and public forestlands protected by ODF)
Jan. 1 – June 14, 2016:
27 lightning-caused fires burned 2,124 acres 127 human-caused fires burned 131 acres 154 total fires burned 2,255 acres 10-year average (same period):
26 lightning-caused fires burned 31 acres
121 human-caused fires burned 1,142 acres
147 total fires burned 1,173 acres
For information on breaking fires, go to: http://wildfireoregondeptofforestry.blogspot.com/