Office of the International President

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  • Office of the International President September 9, 2009

    Robert Martinez, Jr.

    Robert Martinez International President International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers As the 14th International President of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM), Bob Martinez inherits a legacy that spans the history of the North American labor movement. Seasoned by his own 36-year union career, Martinez is committed to aggressively grow the

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  • Office of the International President September 9, 2009

    Rickey Wallace

    Rickey WallaceGeneral Vice President Rickey Wallace is a 35-year IAM member who initiated into Clarksville, TN Local 1296 in 1980. He became active in his local as a shop steward and was later elected Local President. In 1995 Wallace was elected as a Business Representative in the former District 155 (now District 711) and held

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