“Holiday Care Packages for Our Troops Serving Abroad”
To honor those serving in the military, District Lodge 34 in Columbus, OH called on their Local Lodges to participate in a Holiday Care Package Drive for the troops. The lodges came through with shining colors, donating enough items to fill 53 large boxes – weighing nearly 3,000 lbs. – all of which will be shipped to our troops overseas.
“The outpouring of support by the Representatives and members of District 34 embodies the IAM motto; Service To The Community, said GVP Lynn D. Tucker, Jr. “Remembering the men and women serving in our military forces during the holidays truly is service to the community.”
On Saturday, December 15th, a small group of Union Representatives gathered at the District Lodge to pack the goods to be shipped. Nearby Fort Hayes has volunteered to ship the items on behalf of the IAM members.
”I am very proud of our members who participated and gave of their time and donations for this very worthy cause,” said DBR Mike Hall. “Our Men and Women in uniform deserve to have something from home, especially for the holidays. Thanks go out to ADBR David Brandenburg, President Chet Ellis and Mark Chema, their hard work put the finishing touches on a tremendous effort.”
Photos of the effort are here.