Geithner Must Go, says Ur Union of Unemployed

Citing a failure to grasp the depth and misery of the jobless crisis he helped create, Ur Union of Unemployed (UCubed) today called for the resignation of U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner.

“In a recent New York Times opinion piece, Secretary Geithner cherry-picked the facts to portray an America on the ‘path to recovery,’” said UCubed Acting Executive Director Rick Sloan. “He claimed to have saved 8.5 million jobs, but failed to mention that 31 million Americans remain idled by the Grave Recession he helped to trigger.

“Secretary Geithner may truly believe his job performance deserves accolades. But twenty months of his economic stewardship has left America weaker, diminished its wealth and stranded millions in a jobless nightmare.

“America needs an effective strategy to create millions of jobs. And the one, major impediment to that objective is Mr. Geithner himself. He should be fired, not for gross mismanagement, but for gross inadequacy,” said Sloan. “He simply is not up to the job.”

For more information, visit Ur Union of Unemployed.

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