Get up to speed with TCU Flash News e-alert

Get up to speed with TCU’S FLASH NEWS E-ALERT :

Stay up to date by SIGNING up to receive e-mails from TCU as union-related events occur. Just add your e-mail address to the Flash list. Staying informed is the UP SIDE.

What you won’t get is the DOWN side of e-mail: your mailbox will NOT fill up with constant alerts from TCU. TCU Flash Alerts will be sent only when circumstances warrant…not daily, not even weekly—just when need be. And there’s one more thing: your privacy is absolutely respected. The flash list is TCU-specific for TCU members and used only for TCU e-mail alerts. It stays in the union and only in the union.

Sign Up Below:

Local/District Chairpersons

Grassroots Committee Members

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