In a giant step toward providing all Americans with quality and affordable health care, the House of Representatives passed a comprehensive health insurance reform bill late Saturday night.
The Affordable Health Care for America Act, which passed by a 220-215 vote, aims to expand coverage and lower the cost of health insurance with the inclusion of a public option and requiring employers pay their fair share of health coverage. The bill also puts an end to abuses by no longer allowing insurance companies to drop or charge higher premiums for a pre-existing condition, limits out-of-pocket expenditures, provides monetary relief for early retirees and reduces drug costs for seniors.
“The House’s passage of health reform is the result of years of debate and hard work by our members and working families across this country,” says IAM International President Tom Buffenbarger. “Because of their collective efforts, Americans are one step closer to having affordable, high-quality health coverage that works for them – not the insurance companies.
“The fight is far from over. As the country readies for full debate in the Senate over the coming weeks, working families must double their efforts in order to ensure the strongest final bill possible. There’s still a long road ahead. We mustn’t let up.”
Demand your Senator support real health care reform by sending them a letter today. No computer? Call the Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121.