IAM President Tom Buffenbarger is calling for the immediate resignation of National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) Member Terence Flynn, who funneled sensitive and confidential information about Board activities to outsiders engaged in a campaign to discredit the NLRB.
According to an investigation and report by the NLRB Inspector General, Flynn violated ethics rules by sending internal board memos and legal documents to former board member Peter Schaumber and others, who then used it in the GOP campaign to attack the agency.
“Terence Flynn committed serious ethical violations while serving as an NLRB official. He should do the right thing and resign immediately,” said Buffenbarger. “At a minimum, the Inspector General’s report is a wake-up call about the extent to which opponents of the NLRB are willing to go to achieve its destruction. At worst, it alleges serious crimes that warrant aggressive prosecution by the Justice Department. But in no way should Flynn be allowed to remain in his current position.”
In addition to calls from Buffenbarger, AFL-CIO President Rich Trumka and others for Flynn’s ouster, Rep. Elikah Cummings (D-MD), the senior Democrat on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, is urging Oversight Committee Chairman Darryl Issa (R-CA) to conduct interviews and request documents from the former NLRB members.
“Given our committee’s oversight of NLRB, I request that the committee conduct transcribed interviews of former board members Peter Schaumber and Peter Kirsanow to determine to what extent they may have used the information they obtained for their private benefit or to advance their clients’ business interests,” said Cummings.
As Oversight Committee Chairman, Issa aggressively pursued the NLRB’s Acting General Counsel over the labor board’s complaint against Boeing for retaliating against union workers.