District 77 is proud to announce the formation of its’ new Veterans Services Committee. Business Representative (BR) Sherman Phillips, a 34-year union member and U.S. Navy Veteran, was recently appointed by District 77 Directing Business Representative John Steigauf to chair the new committee.
“Job No. 1 of our committee is identifying our veterans in all IAM workplaces, then assisting them in obtaining their earned benefits,” said Phillips. “This is one of the most important member benefits we offer for those that selflessly served our country. Navigating through VA bureaucracy can be quite a task for veterans. Thanks to our new IAM Veterans Benefit Services program, we now have in house professional guidance to locate many benefits veterans might not otherwise know they are entitled to. Assisting them through the processes of obtaining their benefits is priceless.”
“Brother Phillips is a dedicated activist,” said IAM Midwest Territory General Vice President Steve Galloway. “His passion for representing our members is only equal to his passion for assisting veterans. This will be a great addition to our menu of IAM member benefits and services”
“We encourage all of our Local and Districts to form Veterans Committee’s,” said IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. “Just last month, the IAM Veterans Services Program conducted its’ first certified Veterans Service Agents (VSA) training program. Machinists Veterans from across the organization stepped up to the plate to become veteran advocates. Every IAM member should be proud to know we are the first union to establish this type of program. Our in house VSA is capable to assist with all parts of the difficult process of properly filing government claims for our members who are veterans.”
The IAM is home to one of the largest veteran populations in the labor movement.
If an IAM member and veteran, or a family member, is interested in learning more about the IAM Veterans Services Program, please go to iam4.me/VeteranServices please call 1-866-IAM-4VET.