The IAM recognizes this is a stressful time for many IAM members, staff and family members due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
The IAM Employee Assistance and Addiction Services Program stands ready to assist members, staff and their families during this tough period.
As with any large scale event such as this we face many challenges. In conjunction with this occurrence we face the familiar list of continuing problems associated with, but not limited to; substance abuse and addictions, mental health, stress, anxiety, depression, financial hardship and socioeconomic issues. All of these are serious matters that can cause problems by worsening the situation and negatively impacting the quality of life for many of our members.
IAM EAP Services can be accessed by emailing iameap@iamaw.org or by calling 301-335-0735.
IAM Addiction Services can be reached by calling 1-888-250-4IAM (4426).
Your IAM EAP and Addiction Services program provides confidential assistance services to IAM members, staff and family members. We stand ready to assist with prevention, intervention, assessment, directed care and follow-up services so our members can resume and maintain their quality of life and work.
Learn about the Eight Dimensions of Wellness, as provided by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
Please take care of yourself, family, sisters, brothers and friends during this difficult time and remember, the IAM EAP and Retirees Department stands ready to help.
Visit the IAM Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resource Center for continuing updates.
Christine Moutier, M.D., Chief Medical Officer at the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, explains how we can take care of our mental health during times of stress on and off the job. She shares coping mechanisms that may help workers deal with national unrest and COVD-19.