Members of the IAM Local 1562 at Howmet Aerospace have been on strike since Nov. 1, 2023, at the Kingston Business Park. IAM members operate CNC lathes and mills and are essential to producing industrial fasteners for various applications, including freight trains and Airbus aircraft. The members are on strike to highlight the wage disparity compared to workers in similar roles nationwide.
IAM Eastern Territory General Vice President David Sullivan recently visited the strike line to encourage the members to stay strong for a fair contract.
“Our members at Local 1562 are determined to fight until they get the respect and dignity they deserve,” said IAM Eastern Territory General Vice President David Sullivan. “Our union is grateful for the community support of our members on the picket line. We will stand strong until we get a contract addressing wages, benefits, and working conditions.”
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) tweeted his support for IAM Local 1562 members on the strike line at Howmet Aerospace.
IAM Local 1562 members rejected the latest offer from Howmet Aerospace, which lacked wage increases or adjustments for overtime pay. IAM Local 1562 members remain on strike, with no scheduled return to negotiations. In the latest meeting, the company conveyed that the wages or overtime pay was non-negotiable, citing financial constraints. As a result, IAM Local 1562 members remain on strike, with no scheduled return to negotiations.
Howmet Aerospace’s total annual revenues for 2023 are projected at $6.545 billion.
“Our members worked through the pandemic and helped create record-breaking profits for Howmet Aerospace,” said IAM District 15 Business Representative Kevin Weidman. “We are seeking an agreement recognizing our members’ contribution to their record-breaking profits. Our members are tired of struggling and working paycheck to paycheck. We are committed to ensuring the company sees the value of its workforce.”
The IAM Local 1562 members on strike remain resolute in pursuing a fair contract and will continue to picket until an agreement that addresses their concerns is reached.