IAM Films Expert Bankruptcy Panel

A key group of experts take part in an IAM filming on protecting collective bargaining agreements during corporate bankruptcy. Left to right: Chris Wagoner, Director of the William W. Winpisinger Education Center; IAM General Secretary-Treasurer Robert Roach, Jr.; Michael Merrill, Dean of the SUNY Empire State College Harry Van Arsdale Jr. Center for Labor Studies; Michael Rae, Deputy Chief of Negotiations and Restructuring of the PBGC; Beth Almeida, Consulting Economist; David Neigus, IAM Associate General Counsel; Sharon Levine, Partner at Lowenstein Sandler; Charles Finke, Associate General Counsel of the PBGC; and Joe Martocci, Legal Services Manager of IAM National Pension Fund.

The IAM recently wrapped its first day of filming on a series of educational videos on corporate bankruptcy as it pertains to collective bargaining agreements.

The videos will showcase a roundtable discussion, presentations and one-on-one interviews with a key group of bankruptcy experts as they examine the early warning signs of a looming bankruptcy filing, how to prepare and what to expect at each phase of the process.

Participants included IAM General Secretary-Treasurer Robert Roach, Jr.; Beth Almeida, Consulting Economist; Sharon Levine, Partner at Lowenstein Sandler; Joe Martocci, Legal Services Manager of IAM National Pension Fund; David Neigus, IAM Associate General Counsel; Charles Finke, Associate General Counsel of the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC); Michael Rae, Deputy Chief of Negotiations and Restructuring of the PBGC; Chris Wagoner, Director of the William W. Winpisinger Education Center; Michael Merrill, Dean of the SUNY Empire State College Harry Van Arsdale Jr. Center for Labor Studies; and Alec Meiklejohn, Program Development Coordinator of the SUNY Empire State College Harry Van Arsdale Jr. Center for Labor Studies.

The filming will form the basis of a training program for labor leaders and the AFL-CIO and a full-semester SUNY master’s degree program.

“Thank you for your participation in the Bankruptcy Program we are developing,” said Roach in a letter to all participants. “Our meetings, and the most recent taping, will no doubt become a huge success thanks to your participation.  Sharing the expertise and experience that you have in the bankruptcy field with others will help us to establish a program that will undoubtedly grow, educate, and equip others practicing in the field with valuable tools.”

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