Negotiating Committee members from IAM Local SC310 in Yuma, Ariz., recently completed a Negotiation Preparation Program at the IAM’s William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center in Hollywood, Md.
More than 800 IAM members are employed at TRAX, where they are an Service Contract Act contractor for the U.S. Army on the proving ground near Yuma. IAM members there test equipment, vehicles, tanks, munitions, and other weapons.
The four-day training equipped the bargaining committee with the tools necessary to develop a strategic negotiating plan. The training included writing contract language, analyzing the company’s strengths and weaknesses, and effective communication with members. The week concluded with the group delivering a bargaining presentation, a facet of the class designed to simulate the atmosphere at the bargaining table.
“The members of IAM Local SC310 deserve a contract that reflects their hard work and dedication to this country and our military,” said IAM Western Territory General Vice President Gary R. Allen. “The Negotiating Committee will be well prepared because of the skills and tools learned during this strategy session at the Winpisinger Center. They have the full support of the IAM so they can obtain a fair and equitable contract for the membership.”
“I’m very proud of the committee,” said IAM Western Territory Grand Lodge Representative Paul Shepherd. “The committee collaborated and developed a path forward through intense negotiation preparation training. A special thank you goes out to all the departments and representatives involved in ensuring the success of this week.”