Union Plus has awarded $7,000 in scholarships to four winners representing the IAM in the 2012 Union Plus Scholarship Program.
This year’s IAM winners include Edwin Park of Federal Way, WA, whose mother Christine Park is a member of IAM Local 2202. Edwin was awarded a $4,000 scholarship. Alexander Anderson of Federal Way, WA, whose father Alex Anderson is a member of IAM District 751; Victoria Camera of Plainfield, IL, whose father Anthony Camera is a member of TCU/IAM Local 781; and Mollie Wagoner of Hollywood, MD, whose father Chris Wagoner is Director of the William W. Winpisinger Center, were each awarded $1,000 scholarships.
Union Plus Scholarship awards are granted to students attending a two-year college, four-year college, graduate school or a recognized technical or trade school. Since starting the program in 1991, Union Plus has awarded more than $3.3 million in educational funding to more than 2,200 union members, spouses and dependent children. Recipients are selected based on academic ability, social awareness, financial need and appreciation of labor.
Applications are now open for 2013. To apply, visit UnionPlus.org/Education. This year’s application is entirely online—allowing students to complete their application over time and save their responses. The application deadline is January 31, 2013.