District 947 IAM members who work at Coca-Cola plants throughout Southern California rejected a raid by the Teamsters. IAM members voted by a significant majority to remain with the Machinists Union. Since leaving the AFL-CIO, which has a no-raid agreement among affiliates, the Teamsters have led numerous raids to steal members from other unions.
“This is a strong message to the Teamsters and any other organization that thinks the IAM will tolerate the unethical practices of these rogue organizations,” said Western Territory General Vice President Gary Allen. “While there are millions of workers in America wishing they could be represented by a union, the Teamsters are out stealing other unions’ members instead. It’s a disservice to our Coca-Cola members and it’s a disservice to workers we could have organized with the resources we must divert to defeat these raids.
“This win is a credit to the solidarity of our members and the strong effort by the IAM staff and volunteers at the local, district and territory levels,” said Allen. “They put in a tremendous amount of time during the holiday season and deserve our deep appreciation.”