Retired Local Lodge 2763 member Robert Harrison of Memphis, TN recently found himself overwhelmed with hospital bills, but Union Plus was able to provide fast financial relief through their Medical Bill Negotiating Service and by providing a $1,000 Hospital Care Grant.
“The costs of tests and hospitalizations were enormous,” said Harrison, who’s been hospitalized twice since he retired in 2007. “Union Plus was a lifesaver.”
The hospital grants are part of a comprehensive package of safety-net programs called Union SAFE. IAM members can also receive free help negotiating medical bills with the Union Plus Medical Bill Negotiating Service.
Having enjoyed excellent IAM-won health care benefits for nearly 40 years at Northwest Airlines, Harrison never expected to spend more than one-third of his income on hospital debt. He lost his insurance, however, due to an oversight in securing COBRA coverage when he retired.
Visit the Union Plus website to see the wide array of benefits available to union members; and, for information on hardship assistance, including hospital grants and medical fee negotiation, click here.