In November of 2022, the IAM lost a beloved and influential leader and educator, retired IAM William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center Director Chris Wagoner.
Over his 33-year IAM career, Wagoner dedicated his life to training and educating union activists at the Winpisinger Center in Hollywood, MD.
Now, 41st IAM Grand Lodge Convention delegates are honoring Wagoner’s conviction to expand educational opportunities for members by passing Resolution No. 32: Chris Wagoner Memorial Leadership Grant.
“He exemplified what it means to be a member, leader, and mentor in our Union, and he passionately championed a labor movement free of racism, classism, elitism, and sexism,” said Bryant. “This scholarship grant honors his lifelong commitment to education, which he strongly believed is the antidote to prejudice.”
The grant will support Wagoner’s vision of increasing participation in and access to IAM Leadership programs at the Winpisinger Center.
The IAM Executive Council will publish the criteria and application process for the Chris Wagoner Memorial Leadership Grant and ensure its delivery to the Recording Secretary of every IAM local to be read as an official communication at a Local meeting.