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  • iMail , News August 14, 2008

    iMail for Thursday, August 14, 2008

    NMB Proposes Anti-Union Rule Change In an openly anti-union gesture, the National Mediation Board (NMB) announced its intent to change its rules and procedures governing airline mergers. The proposed change says that when “there is a certified representative on one of the affected carrier(s), but no certified representative on the other, the Board will exercise

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  • iMail , News August 12, 2008

    iMail for Tuesday, August 12, 2008

    Major Victory for Raytheon Retirees In a precedent-setting decision that could be worth as much as $12 million for Local 933 retirees, a U.S. District Court Judge in Arizona ordered Raytheon Missile Systems to restore health care benefits for retirees and dependants whose benefits were unilaterally terminated by the company. U.S. District Court Judge David

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  • iMail , News August 7, 2008

    iMail for Thursday, August 07, 2008

    International President Joins Wichita Strikers  Striking members of Local 733 in Wichita, KS, warmly welcomed IAM International President Tom Buffenbarger to their picket lines where members are holding strong on day three of the strike against Hawker Beechcraft. “You gave a signal with your overwhelming vote that you’ve had a bellyful, and you want a

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  • iMail , News August 5, 2008

    iMail for Tuesday, August 05, 2008

    Kansas Machinists Strike Hawker Beechcraft  IAM members at Hawker Beechcraft voted overwhelmingly to reject the company’s offer and strike the Wichita, Kansas plane maker. Picket lines went up at 12:01 am on August 4, 2008, at Hawker Beechcraft in Wichita and Salina, KS, after thousands of IAM members cast ballots to reject the company’s offer

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  • iMail , News July 31, 2008

    iMail for Thursday, July 31, 2008

    Boeing Gets an Earful IAM leaders urged Boeing Company officials to think twice before proposing a substandard contract offer for 26,000 Machinists in Washington, Kansas and Oregon, who assemble the company’s commercial aircraft, including the next generation 787 Dreamliner. Speaking on a conference call for investors and journalists that was co-sponsored by the IAM and

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