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  • iMail , News September 14, 2006

    iMail for Thursday, September 14, 2006

    Former Texas Governor Ann Richards Dies Former Texas Governor and progressive Democrat Ann Richards, 73, died yesterday from esophageal cancer at her home in Austin. Richards was elected governor of Texas in 1991 after a brutal campaign against West Texas millionaire Clayton Williams. Richards went on to help revitalize the state’s economy, appoint more women

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  • iMail , News September 13, 2006

    iMail for September 12, 2006

    U.S. Remembers 9/11 Victims All across America ceremonies and vigils (–remembering-9/11) marked the fifth anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks that claimed nearly 3,000 lives in New York, the Pentagon and Pennsylvania. “Let us honor all of the victims of this terrible tragedy and never forget the great loss suffered by their families. Our union

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  • iMail , News September 11, 2006

    iMail for Thursday, September 7, 2006

    Board Rules for IAM at Mercedes in Alabama The IAM won a key legal battle this week in the fight to overcome anti-union activities by Mercedes-Benz officials at the automaker’s assembly plant in Tuscaloosa, AL. In a ruling hailed as an important victory for Mercedes’ workers and IAM organizers, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)

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  • iMail , News September 5, 2006

    iMail for September 5, 2006

    Union Leaders Rally Members in Five States IP Tom Buffenbarger, AFL-CIO President John Sweeney and International Union of Painters and Allied Trades (IUPAT) President Jimmy Williams logged 1,900 air miles over a 52-hour period this Labor Day weekend to urge union members to get involved and vote in the upcoming midterm elections. Events on the

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  • iMail , News August 31, 2006

    iMail for Thursday August 31, 2006

    IAM Launches ‘RallyAround.Us’ Campaign With the critical November 7th election just two months away, the IAM launched an innovative RallyAround.Us online campaign to galvanize voters in key gubernatorial races in 36 states. “Governors can have a significant impact on economic issues important to our members,” said IP Tom Buffenbarger. “With the ‘RallyAround.Us’ campaign, we’re asking

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