International Women’s Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women.
This year’s theme is “Inspire Inclusion”. In a time where workers are organizing in record numbers, women and our LBGTQ+ siblings are still under attack. Sexist, racist, and elitist ideals create an environment where our members feel “less than.” That is not who we are! We must strengthen our movement, and that means creating a space that is welcoming and inclusive; we can all inspire inclusion.
Everyone everywhere can play a part in helping to create gender equality. When we inspire others to understand and value women’s inclusion, we create a better world. When women are inspired to be included, there’s a sense of belonging and empowerment.
The IAM has fought for many changes in the workplace to address issues of equity and inclusion. When we encourage positive visibility of women, we Inspire Inclusion. We cannot do that without the support of our members and the help of constituency groups like Coalition of Labor Union Women, Coalition of Labor Union Women (cluw.org). The primary purpose of CLUW is to unify all union women in a strong organization to determine and seek remedies to common problems and concerns and to develop action programs within the framework of the labor movement to effectively promote change.