Fifty years ago this year, Dr. Martin Luther, King, Jr., TCU/IAM’s own A. Philip Randolph and Civil Rights Activist Bayard Rustin led a gathering of Americans from all walks of life in a march on the Nation’s Capital to demand a better way of life, to banish discrimination and to secure the notion that a job was a right, not a privilege.
Dr. King delivered the famous “I Have a Dream” speech in front of the Lincoln Memorial before the largest audience ever gathered on the Mall in Washington, DC. The event was a watershed moment in the American Civil Rights struggle.
On Saturday, August 24, 2013, the IAM will join the entire North American labor movement in commemorating this historical event. We will join tens of thousands on the Mall in Washington, DC to recreate that famous march, reflect on the changes to civil equality over the past 50 years, and recommit ourselves to the unfinished work of Dr. King and A. Philip Randolph.
“There is no better way for IAM members to practice the values of our union as when we put our minds and hearts to the task and our feet in motion to support the beliefs we hold dear and make America a beacon to others,” read a joint letter from IAM International President Tom Buffenbarger, IAM General Secretary-Treasurer Robert Roach, Jr., and General Vice President Diane Babineaux.
IAM members are asked to join in the commemorative event Saturday, August 24 and the following events on Wednesday, August 28.
For more information, click here.