Labor Stands United with Orlando Victims

As the reality of the horrific massacre at an Orlando LGBTQ nightclub continues to set in, solidarity in the labor community has immediately emerged to provide comfort and support for all those affected. IAM members have joined thousands of others giving blood and offering assistance to victims’ families.

Here’s what some in the labor movement have said about the largest mass shooting in U.S. history:

IAM International President Bob Martinez:

“No words can describe the heartbreak, anger and despair they will confront in the days, weeks and months to come… This was an attack not just on the LGBTQ community, but on all of us.”

AFL-CIO Executive Council:

“We are resolved to do everything in our power to make sure this never happens again… Let us be perfectly clear: giving in to division and fear will only add insult to injury. This is a moment for us to come together, embrace our common humanity and take the necessary steps to make our country safer, stronger and more united.”

AFL-CIO Young Worker Advisory Council:

“We must stand together even closer today to help each other heal our wounds. Joining Pride At Work and donating to local community groups are easy ways that we can support the movement toward equality for all. We will continue to fight for equality at home and at work, and we’ll fight for an end to discrimination and hate against the LGBTQ community and all young working people.” 

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